About the Founder
Chhaya Shetty
Passionate Fierce Committed, are the three prominent traits which essentially sum up my
Armed with a post-graduation in business administration, my overall corporate journey spans over a
decade and two companies a Citibank financial arm and an IT Major- Tata Consultancy Services. With
a deeply rewarding professional experience, working in cross functional teams, climbing the rungs of
the corporate ladder my 12 year-long professional stint culminated with Tata Consultancy Services
as an Assistant General Manager.
Then the proverbial entrepreneurial bug bit me and today I can humbly claim that as an entrepreneur, as an educationist I’m contributing towards nation building in the field of language and communication skills training.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness is a philosophy I choose to live by and always helps me see light at the end of the tunnel. Happy Learning to All My Students and we are happy to play the vital role in your journey of achieving excellence in communication skills in English Language.

Our Vision
English Excellence With Chhaya has a vision to make more competent confident proficient communicators. Communication is an Art and English is the functional language of the world. Oratorical prowess will help each individual achieve personal and professional goals seamlessly. We aim to be a part of your journey towards Excellence.
We are truly different considering we identify your need and recommend the program from our range of offerings, never trying to fit you in the One Size Fits All Approach.Our student testimonials mean the world to us. our students achieve one milestone after another and we act as the wind beneath their wings.We can proudly say we deliver more than we promise and excellence is not restricted to our name it is extended to our dedication and commitment to our students. So without further adieu, help us help you.